Boat Insurance Policies For Sailboats and Powerboats

Boating in Florida can be fun, entertaining, and stressful especially if a hurricane is in the distance. Boat insurance is often overlooked by many boaters. Some take out the least amount of coverage on their boat thinking they won’t have a problem. Boat insurance can also protect your asset both in the water and out of the water. Storm damage is just one of the many reasons boat insurance is important.

Accidents and theft are other reasons having a good boat insurance policy are essential in protecting your vessel. Boating accidents happen when trailering, launching, and while in the water. Holiday weekends heighten the risk. Every year we have clients who unfortunately have to make a claim because their boat was in a “fender bender” on the water or they ran their boat into rocks. The stories are endless, we have seen it all. Outside of accidents theft is also a problem for boaters. It happens all the time a boat sits in storage or is tied at a marina and the boat disappears. An insurance policy on your boat will protect you from these instances.

Another type of theft can happen if you go to sell your boat. Some people have fallen victim to boat traders where you leave your boat with a seller who sells other boats as well. In some cases, a person’s boat has been sold without them even knowing it and the original owner still has the title to the boat! Yes, this can happen so you want to ensure your boat is properly insured. If you do decide to have a boat dealer sell your boat be sure to get the agreement in writing, make sure you have insurance on your boat, and check-in with that dealer often to make sure your boat is still in his/her possession.

Some quick tips for you if you are in harm’s way and a hurricane is coming toward you….

1) if you take your boat out of the water chain it to the trailer

2) anchor your boat in the trailer and use stakes in the ground to help keep your boat from lifting off the trailer

3) put a lock on your trailer if you can’t keep the boat and trailer at your home (lock the hitch and wheels if you can)

4) leave your trailer hitched to your truck, this will be the safest way that nobody can drive off with it

5) if you do leave your boat docked and in the water – don’t put the canvas up it will most likely rip off

6) loosely tie your boat cleats to the dock – by this we mean leave slack in the lines to allow for the waves to come through….reinforce the cleats on your boat as well, check the screws

We wish you safety with your boat this hurricane season. Please take a few minutes and review your marine vessel insurance policy. It is important that you know what you have coverage on for your boat. For the best boat insurance coverage, we invite you to call Gulf Coast Educators Insurance in Naples, and Ft. Myers.


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