Baby Boomers and Retirement

Baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, are facing retirement. If you are a baby boomer, the big question, is will you be ready? Gulf Coast Educators Wealth Management has experienced and knowledgeable financial services agents on staff that can guide a baby boomer through the various retirement planning options.

It is never too late to start planning for retirement. Many baby boomers are working past retirement age in the hopes of adding more income to their savings plan. Other baby boomers have no savings and are relying on social security or pension plans. While other boomers want to save but are confused by the myriad of options available to them.

Currently, baby boomers are re-shaping the way to plan for retirement. Baby boomers are living longer and need more money to live on. Pensions are being replaced or eliminated altogether. Baby boomers need to manage their nest eggs now and throughout their retirement. Through Lincoln Investment, the advisors at Gulf Coast Educators Wealth Management offer financial services to help with retirement and savings. There are various financial saving options available such as:

403 (b) Plans
457 (b) Plans
Simple IRA’s

The financial service agents at Gulf Coast Educators Insurance are available to discuss all of these options. Each option has different saving options and benefits. Any of our agents at our two southwest Florida locations can help explain these options.

Gulf Coast Educators Insurance wants to make sure that you have the necessary knowledge and planning for a healthy retirement plan. Please call one of our agents today to get started saving!


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